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How to ace IBC: The tough questions you should be asking vendors at IBC


Niklas Björkén

Director Product Management

September 10, 2024




We know that IBC is not only about networking—it’s about finding the right partners to fuel your platform’s growth. Whether you’re launching a new service or scaling up, the vendor you choose can make or break your operations and profitability. But with so many options out there, how do you sift through the noise and find the perfect match?

You need a clear plan. You need to walk into IBC ready to cut through the fluff and ask the tough questions that will make or break your decision. That's where a well-constructed Request for Proposal (RFP) comes in. But before we dive into that, let's talk about what really matters—your specific needs and the non-negotiables for your platform.

1. Decide what your non-negotiables are

You know your platform inside out, and you’ve probably spent countless hours making sure it operates like a well-oiled machine. So, before you even step foot in the IBC showroom, ask yourself: What must this vendor absolutely deliver for my platform to thrive? Think of these non-negotiables as your safety net—a way to quickly filter out anyone who doesn’t match your minimum standards.

Is it the ability to handle unpredictable surges in traffic without a single glitch? Maybe it’s multi-device support that needs to be flawless because your viewers could be on a smart TV today and a mobile app tomorrow. 

When you're crafting your RFP, be ruthless about laying out these core requirements. Vendors need to know where they absolutely cannot fail you.  

And remember: non-negotiables aren’t always about the flashy features. Sometimes, they’re about reliability, flexibility, or simply a proven track record. Ask yourself: What will make this vendor indispensable to our success? 

2. Your tech preferences & ecosystem

You’ve spent time, money, and resources building your platform. But now you’re looking for a partner to help you grow—and that means the vendor needs to play nice with the systems and processes you’ve already perfected.

Do you have a specific tech stack that’s central to your operations? Are there in-house systems or APIs that you just can’t afford to replace? Whether it's your current CMS, analytics tools, or even a legacy system you’re keeping around, this is the part where you’re clear about what stays in your ecosystem. 

In your RFP, spell this out. Ask the vendors how they plan to integrate with your existing infrastructure. Get them to explain—in detail—how they’ll make sure their solution fits seamlessly into what you’ve already built. Will they offer custom integrations?

This is also a good time to think about your preferred technologies or partners. If you already have established relationships or rely on specific platforms, you want a vendor that’s flexible enough to collaborate. Do you have a strong in-house development team that likes to maintain control over certain processes? 

When it comes to expanding your platform’s ecosystem, think long term. Is the vendor adaptable? Will they still be a good fit when your platform evolves, or will they become a bottleneck? 

3. Be crystal clear about your requirements

Think of your RFP as your playbook. It’s not just about what you need today but also about where your platform is heading. Cover every angle of the service—front-end, back-end, security, and scalability. Make sure the vendor can grow with you.

Here’s a sneak peek at what you should include:

  • Platform scalability: How will they handle growth and peak times? Can they scale seamlessly?
  • Content management: Will their system support all the formats and workflows your team relies on?
  • Front-end user experience: Your customers demand a smooth, intuitive interface across devices. Can they deliver on this?
  • Player technology: Adaptive streaming, low latency, and DRM—how sophisticated is their player tech?
  • Security & compliance: You can’t compromise on security. What are their standards when it comes to data protection and legal regulations?

Be specific here. The clearer you are about your expectations, the easier it’ll be to spot the vendor who’s truly prepared to meet them.

4. Don’t overlook the extras

Beyond the tech, there’s the user experience. Is the vendor’s platform equipped to help you engage viewers with smart recommendations and content discovery tools? How about their marketing integrations—can they help boost viewer retention? 

5. What’s their service level like?

A reliable partner isn’t just one who delivers a great product, it’s one who stands by it. What’s the vendor’s response time when things go wrong? How are they handling support, uptime guarantees, and service-level agreements (SLAs)? Make sure you ask these questions upfront—this will give you a clear picture of how reliable they’ll be when push comes to shove.

Ready to get started?

Heading into IBC prepared with the right questions will set you up for success. If you need a more in-depth framework, we’ve got you covered. We’ve created a comprehensive RFP document that will guide you through every step of the vendor selection process, from platform requirements to service level agreements. Download it, bring it with you to IBC, and make sure you’re asking the questions that matter.

With this checklist in hand, you’ll be ready to navigate IBC like a pro, ensuring you walk away with the right vendor by your side.


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How to ace IBC: The tough questions you should be asking vendors at IBC