An Ebook and Webinar series unveiling how video stream quality and UX excellence will drive video service success around the world.
Brought to you in association with:
Webinar on-demand: EMEA & APAC Edition
Head of Product Sales & Marketing
Director Account Management
Director Business Operations
Webinar on-demand: THe americas edition
Senior Director, Growth Marketing
Director Sales Engineering
Director Business Operations
of global users will be so frustrated with a video playback that keeps on crashing that they will end up switching off the service.
of respondents will turn off a service if the video stream is perceived to be of questionable quality.
of North American Respondents say that the most important thing in the video service is a quick and easy search.
of respondents consider it very important that the look and feel of a service’s user interface is personalized to their liking.
of global users considers language settings and audio playback in their preferred first language as very important.
of respondens say that a lack of interesting features would make them turn off the service.
The importance of consistent quality for ensuring user retention.
The role of content discovery in driving user affinity and engagement.
Why UX and personalization are still crucial factors in driving success.